by Karin Hochsticher | Mar 10, 2023 | Empathic Leadership
As executives, it is your duty to steer the company safely through ever-changing market conditions. As leaders, it is your responsibility to stimulate growth in your employees and help them develop their potential. The following article depicts a model to create...
by Karin Hochsticher | Dec 1, 2022 | Empathic Leadership
A former colleague once told me: “It’s October already, and I still have four sickdays left. Let’s see when I will take one or two of them.” I was a bit confused, since to my knowledge there were no sick day vouchers. It turned out that our consulting...
by Karin Hochsticher | Nov 1, 2022 | Empathic Leadership
I have a confession to make: While reading the trending book “Reinventing Organizations” from Frederic Laloux, I was observing a rising feeling of disgust in myself when self-organizing companies where portrayed. Looking for the root cause of this feeling, I realized...